
Employee Testimonials

Hear What Our People Have To Say!

 In 1999 a website called “Rate My Professor” made its way to the college students of America. With this website, you could rate your college professors and read the reviews of educators you were considering for a class. As you can imagine, a professor with an amazing rating had full classes, but one with terrible reviews got a pretty bad rap and quite a few drop-outs. Why do people still use this website today? Because we all want to know what we’re getting into before we take the leap! We want to those hear first-hand accounts from someone who has experienced what you’re considering jumping into. 

These days, the professional world has glassdoor.com , where we currently hold a 4.0 rating. If you’re interested in hearing from employees who are  working at our company, check out some of their testimonials below!

Straight From GlassDoor.com...

The testimonials below are taken straight from our glassdoor.com rating website, so you can be sure that they’ve been posted without prompting and by real employees who are happily employed at F.H. Furr! 
Click on the tiles below to read just a few.

Sound like a company you’d want to work for? We sure hope so, and who knows, maybe one day you’ll love your job so much that you'll want to write a testimonial along with the rest of our amazing employees!

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